Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nagala – a tribute.

Walking up that treacherous trail
Along that dry river bed
Rocks and pebbles crunched by boots
As I swing my arms in a rhythmic sway

Thorny bushes in clumps
Dwarfed by the hills around
A full moon in broad daylight
A cool sun that surprised me

Into the bower of jungle trees
A welcome shade beckons
I amble along at my own gentle pace
Along that dry river bed

Across the bend a stream appears
Crystal clear waters bubbling away
Sparkling in the sunshine
So clean and pure

As I tread gingerly through
Slippery pebbles slip… and slide away
And I stretch my arms apart
As I take the next careful step

Along the way I reach a refreshing green pool
And a nymph walking along dived smoothly in
In a flash, she clambered up the rocks across
A faint hint of a smile flitting on her lips

Into those waters I plunge quickly in
And emerge shivering in the icy cold
Warm rays of sunshine engulf me
As I float on the water without a care

Lost in the lap of nature
Time loses its grip on man
Isn’t this the way we were meant to be?
Wild and free, just the way she is

 M V J Simon 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011


Some place to hide
Somewhere to go
Some place in my heart
I long to be

Somewhere to lie
Some place to dream
Some place to gaze
At the moon-lit sky

Some place to roam
Some where to walk
An aimless walk
in this cold, cold world

Some place to swing
My arms freely
And amble along
At my own free pace

It just doesn’t matter
If you aren’t around
I walk all alone
In this cold, cold land

Coz somewhere within
There’s this warm place
Somewhere in my heart…
Some memories…
That keep me warm

 MVJ Simon 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Shattered dreams

Shattered dreams

Picking up the fragile shards of broken dreams
Sharp pointed edges biting deep into my heart
Numbing pain that keeps me from screaming
I cry out loud but no sound emerges

Broken and battered by life's storms
Lie dreams shattered into kaleidoscopic pieces
I try putting them back together
But they form shapes that are never what it was

I long to sleep the dreamless sleep
And know the peace that dreams never give
The starlight blinks an eternal truth
It's all over in a flash of light

I long to sleep that dreamless sleep
I long to sleep that dreamless sleep

M V J Simon 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The daily grind!

Hard work is the name of the game
Work till you sweat and your brows wrinkle
Till your hair turns grey and you turn pale
And keep doing it till your find your place in a box

Nothing comes easy or so they say
It's the way of the world you follow the rules
Don't bend it or break it or we'll cut off your bonus
Keep doing work till the day you're burned!

Come early in the morning, stay up as late as you can
You've traded your life for money, your time is ours
Don't smoke too much, we need you alive
And eat as fast as you can, for time is money!

it's the survival of the fittest, you either fit in or don't
We know the signs very well, we can kick you out
And out there is a hard world, where you'll beg and steal
You'll lose all your comforts, that you enjoy right now

It's do or die, the battle of the market
We are the drivers of the economy, we make lives better
There isn't a life better outside, your box is the best
Don't ever peep out, or you'll find your place there!

M V J Simon 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's a crazy world or is it just me?

Why is it that we fight for peace?
And cry for justice?

Why is it that we crave for attention
and shy away when we receive it?

Why is it that we long for love
and take it for granted when it is present?

Why is it that we shed tears for those who are gone
while we made them cry when they were around?

Why is it that we are not satisfied with what we have
and then wonder about the aching emptiness within?

Why is it that we strive so much to make our lives better
and wonder why time passes by so fast?

Why is it that we blame everybody else for all the mistakes
without a thought about what we do?

why is it that we do what we do, think all these thoughts
and disregard it all, the very next minute?

M V J Simon 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One wave after another

When trouble comes, it comes in waves
Lashing out in fury
Devouring everything in its way
Nature’s backlash, waves of distress

It’s the way it’s always been
Or is it just what we mankind made
Or is it the ferocious nature
That nature learnt from us?

Having it all and wanting more
Greed, gargantuan, lusting after it all
Leaving precious nothing
Having pillaged everything and looted the world

Is there a way to reverse all that we’ve done?
Set the clock ticking backwards
And hope that those days will come
It’s just a foolish fantasy, a hope, a wish

When the rivers have dried
And the plants have perished
And when the earth is laid desolate and bare
Some memories should be there to keep us hoping

M V J Simon 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

All and nothing

Having it all
And yet having nothing
An empty face
A mask
Hiding all the pain away
Beneath that painted smile

The façade a beautiful lie
While the inside is grotesque
Marred beyond repair
A ghastly sight
That makes me want
to look away

Wonder what cleansing rituals
Will soak up the muck
And leave me feeling clean

Wonder what penance out there
Will clean out the inner self
And make me smile again

MVJ Simon 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

All is well

When I looked away
I lost a chance
Of a future
that might have been

When I paused mid way
The moment just passed
And I lost you there
Wonder how it would’ve been

When I chickened out
Lost courage
At times
when I should have led

I lost so much
That I don’t know
And probably never
will know

Was it just a glance
An unspoken word
A timely hug
Or one single moment?

There’s so much I lost
That I don’t know I lost
I keep assuring self
That all is well

M V J Simon 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Between the real and the dream
I find an existence
And question my sanity

Between life and living
I find breathing space
And wonder, am I alive?

Between lies and truth
I seek what is comforting
And think that it is right

Between evil and goodness
I chose the one that is fun
And I am so sorry

Between now and eternity
I fill up moments with work
While life ticks by. 

MVJ Simon 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Catch a tiger by its tail

Catch a tiger by its tail

And wrestle it to the ground

Hold it tight with all your might

For if you let go it will devour

Catch that idea floating by

Hold it close to heart, never let it go

Grapple with it till you overcome

And lay it down arranged neatly in words

MVJ Simon 2011