Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happily...ever after!

What are we chasing anyway?
Always in search of something elusive
Looking forward to find happiness
And delight in a tomorrow
That may or may not be

Ever chasing dreams
Trying to grab that elusive magic
And turn it into harsh reality
Ever thinking of plans of doing
While undoing the present

What are we chasing anyway?
The clock keeps ticking on and on
A constant reminder, a relentless tyrant
In rhythmic pulse almost a heartbeat
Till one day, without a warning, it will stop

Sometimes when I stop to think and wonder why
We do what we do
Is it the race to beat the clock
And endure?
Or is it the promise of living happily ever after?
A fake promise of a forever land?

M. V .J. Simon 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013


All three of them I see
Whenever I look up
I see nothing but walls
Turn around, and again I see
The walls, that block my sight

Is there a way I can look beyond
Is there a way I can break them down
Is there a way to climb over them
These walls that cloister me

Is there happiness that lies beyond
Or is it a life more wretched out there?
Is there a world in the wild open spaces
Is there a living I can make out there?

Painted white in glossy shades
On one side an orangish blaze
All the colour and snazzy hues
Do nothing at all to be my muse

Is there a way I can break them down?
Is there a life without these walls
Is there a freedom I do not know
Imprisoned – by these walls around.

M. V. J. Simon 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I am my family

There’s a new trend happening. The emergence of ‘singletons’. The ones who believe in self. The ones who live for themselves. The “Self” ish I’cons’ who live by their own rules.

Perhaps it is a natural progression. Or the effects of government propaganda which began decades ago to curtail population. “We two, ours three” became “We two, ours two” and then on “One family, one child.”

Somewhere along the way, due to some clerical error, we forgot that the typical Indian family means father, mother, grand parents, uncles, aunts, great grand parents, great grand uncles and aunts, their kids, cousins once, twice and thrice removed and all the in-laws and those outlawed by the great big Indian family, jointed or disjointed.

Anyway, the singletons are here. And looks like there are here to stay.

So here we go;

I am my family
I, me, my own self
I have no progeny
Coz’ I am my family.

I am my family
I make my rules, my home, my life
I want no company
Coz’ I am my family

I am my family
I owe it to nobody
I live my life the way I want
I am the family

I am my family
I live life the way I die
Alone in life
And alone in the grave, I’ll lie

With no regrets, after all
I am my family.

 M V J Simon 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Healing spirit

Every time I fall down
And get a bruise
I swab it with a nice dose of you
It burns but I know it’ll be fine soon

Every time I fall ill
I get a prick with a needle
Skin wiped clean with you
I know I’ll get well soon

Every time I get dumped
By an insensitive soul
I drown my tears
In a keg full of you

Lovely spirit
The healing power of you!

©M V J Simon 2013