I can sense the distaste in your stare
The way you look away when you see
I sense arrogance in the way you move
Away from me, always at arm’s length
I see through your false smile
That stops at your lip, eyes so cold
I know that you don’t like me
But yet you pretend, that we belong
I sense that you just tolerate
It’s part of your manners, your class, your breed
You pretend so well, my dear friend
But sometimes, these masks, they slip away
Just because you’re light, your pigments so bright
You think you’re a finer man
It is not so, just an accident
It goes deep, more than skin, if you must know
Just because you brag a lot
And announce to the world that you’re so hot
It doesn’t mean a thing, my dear friend,
Maybe I just like to be cool and so quiet.
Just because you speak another tongue
It’s just another language, my dear friend
You forget it’s a tool our forefathers made
Just so we can be friends, my dear friend.
Just because you possess a lot
It really won’t make you a better man
Maybe you have been more greedy
And you collected more, my dear friend
Just because your God isn’t mine
And mine is mine alone
We’ll fight and kill for the glory
That awaits us both in heaven
Just because you’re so dumb
You’ve been used and abused
By leaders of men, self proclaimed
You deserve it, my friend, for being so!
Just because I’ve been mute
Just because I like to be quiet
Just because I am so silent
Just because I am more gentle
It doesn’t mean I am a lesser man in any way
Nor am I a lesser woman.
It’s just that I am more human.
A Poem by MVJ Simon. 2008