Thursday, August 31, 2023

Present Perfect

 When the world around you is going mad

And you just have to hold on to your inner peace

Retreat into the recesses of your universe

And mull on how everything could be

It's not a quest for perfection

That's a lofty pursuit which leaves you wanting

But in those tiny little ways, those baby steps you can do everyday

To become better than who you were yesterday

And to start with, start with the heart

Being more kinder to yourself first

It's okay if you've made mistakes

And enjoy making them time and again

Nobody is perfect anyway

And perfection is an elusive dream

That slips away when you open your eyes

And you see the flaws that no one else seem to see

Wake up to a tomorrow

Where you are a little better than who you were today

Step by step, day after day

A little better, a little kinder

Retreat a bit into your inner universe

Delve deeper within

And from there you will find all the answers

You were always seeking outside