Friday, January 2, 2009


Wake up to the new dawn with a smile on my face
Open wide the windows and watch sun rise
Inhale some fresh air and breathe in the fragrance
Listening to the song of birds

Walk around the park for a while
Stop to admire flowers in full bloom
Sit for while on the bench alone
Plan what needs to be done

Make every moment count, enjoying each second
No matter how mundane the task
Every little thing does matter
It’s the details that make the future

Refresh mind and body with adequate rest
To perform at it’s fullest best
Create something new every day
Something that was never there before

Accept people as they are, cast prejudice aside
Look for the good inherent, there will always be some
Keep the smile alive, even when I’m dead tired
As the day dies down, and night begins

Rejoice in life’s precious gifts
Look at each day as a blessing
It’s here and now
Grasp it with all might

When the clock stops ticking
And there’s silence all around
Life will go on
What remains then, is what I must do.


MVJ Simon.2008

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